Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Installation Art

Now that we have finished with modular experimentation, it is time to move to part 2 of the project, which has nothing to do with part1! 
Our team (and the other teams) have to come up with an intallation art concept that uses a specific location (of our choice) anywhere on campus. Due to the lack of materials, funding, building permits, etc we are not suppose to actually build it but to make it just look real. 
As soon as we were given the brief, our group seperated for the weekend for brainstorming and came back on Monday to discuss ideas. It was easier to see what each individual in the group wanted to see in the final concept and to ultimately come to a final decision.
Notably, the gameshow that is known in Australia as "The Hole" came up and the whole idea of silhoettes or holes through which, people can climb through and this way people could use the space as a type of playground. The issue of practicality arose and we had to expand on the idea. Then the silhouettes got us thinking about crime scenes, for some reason, and how body outlines can look cool!! Weird. 
...And we settled on that. Our installation concept became art/social experiment. More on that later. :)

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