Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Project 1 - Animating the Posthuman

Ok now, the Posthuman is the theme of our animation/video that we have to make for the first project of the semester. I am not really into sci-fi so this is a little bit out of my comfort zone, but in a way its good because it is a challenge. We were shown different videos dealing with the theme, such as Akira and the infamous Chris Cunningham's music video for Bjork. 
The technological theme and robots do not interest me, in fact, I regard it as being a type of cliche for what science fiction stands for. There is just too much of it. 
I like to interpret the term Posthuman as 'after human' or 'beyond human'. 
These are the subjects that interest me:
  • Human Cloning
  • Metamorphosis/Evolution
  • The Afterlife
I have currently two ideas - one being an abstract piece that represents evolution and the metamorphosis of the human being using an ordinary white stretchy fabric and some footage layered over it and using various video effects for visual interest. 
Working title - Homomorphosis

The second idea is to make a collage/2d  educational animation that mimics the style of the old 1950s animation such as the old UPA educational shorts. The piece will question the ethics of human cloning and how will the world be if everybody were the same.  
Working title - Double Trouble

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