Sunday 9 March 2008

Committing to a genre

I missed last week's class, due to not feeling well. So I'll need to ask around and do a little catching up. In the meantime, I have been doing some thinking in regards to my project and have managed to commit myself to a genre and begin development. I decided to go along with the abstract piece because I can allow myself more artistic experimentation and expression and it is easier to accomplish in the timeframe that has been set. The second idea with the more traditional take on animation would require more time and more skills with After Effects and I need more practice with the program before I attempt something so ambitious. I would like to try out some effects like speed variation (from slow to fast and vise versa) to add interest to my piece I would also like to experiment with camera movements. The nature of the movement within the piece is going to be organic and fluid movements are going to suggest the process of change, evolution and simply time passing by. So to sum up, the motion graphic piece is going to show the process to becoming posthuman.

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